Monday, August 31, 2009


Every now and then I see something that really stands out. Whether it’s a piece of art, advertising, photography, a TV ad, graffiti, viral or just some random thing, it doesn’t matter. So many things over the years have made me stop and take notice….

Just to make note of a few here:

Rosalie GascoignNew Zealand/Australian Artist & Sculptor

One mans trash is another mans treasure..or womas in this case. Rosalie Gascoign created art from chopped up retro-reflective road signs, faded old Schweppes drink crates and torn up lino among other things. Most of her materials she found while scavenging in the country side around her home in Canberra Australia. Text also features a lot in her work as many of the cut up pieces created abstract grids of letters and word fragments.

Erik RefnerPhotographer

Danish Photojournalist Erik Refner works as a contract photographer for the national daily Berlingske Tidende since 2002. He won the World Press Photo of the Year in 2001 for his image of the body of a young Afgahn boy being prepared for burial at Jalozi refugee camp in Pakistan. His photographs are always vey poweful and evoke a strong emotion. The image below was also taken at Jalozi.

Bruce GildenStreet Photographer

"I'm known for taking pictures very close, and the older I get, the closer I get." Bruce Gilden.

I love Bruces photos because they are so vibrant. His compositions are always really interesting and unexpected. He creates such movement and really captures a moment in time. He makes this look easy but I know this is actually a very difficult thing to achieve.

David La ChapellePhotographer

His work has been described as surrealist, grotesque, shocking and ironic. Love it or hate it, it works. I love it.

Street Art/Graffiti

Whenever I see really great street art it makes me smile. There is definately not enough of it around Dublin.... For the best street art from all over the world visit

Advertising Print

Playboy - Celebrating 31 years. A bit rude...but very funny.

Advertising Ambient

Very Clever!

Advertising Outdoor

Simple and brilliant. Like all the best advertisments are.

Awareness Campaigns

Advertising TV

Advertising Viral

You've probably seen this one a thousand times...but it is a brilliant viral. 13,820,190 you tube views and counting......

Banner Ad

Knife Crime: It Doesn't Have to Happen on BannerBlog


Art Student Creates an Invisible Car!

University of Central Lancashire art student Sara Watson painted her banged up Skoda Fabia to match the car park outside her art studio...making it disappear! Sara said “I was experimenting with the whole concept of illusion but needed something a bit more physical to make a real impact.”

Air Garden in NYC

New Yorkers suffering from concrete jungleitis will be delighted with TODO Design and DAS Studio who came up with an urban design proposal to take over New York City billboards and greenify them with living air gardens. The idea is to green the gritty urban landscape by seeding gardens on the flip sides of commercial billboards.

What have I got to show for myself....

Being relatively new to the industry I am working on building up a portfolio of work at the moment. By the time I’m finished the ICAD Upstarts Programme in 6 weeks I will have a lot more to add. So far ‘THE BIG BOOK SHOP’ print campaign I did to get on the programme is a good start.

I love art and drawing, sketching and taking photos. You can see some examples of my work here:

Art Work

Life Drawing



ICAD Upstarts First Meeting.....

So Monday night was the first ICAD Upstarts meeting and was really great to see all the other upstarts and meet the ICAD gang. This is going to be a very intensive six weeks of hard work by all accounts. So sleeping, eating, socialising and general hanging around are out the window until at least October!

The studios and agencies who are hosting the workshops this year are:

Brand Union
Irish International BBDO
Publicis QMP
Red Dog
The Hive

ICAD Upstarts 2009

I got on the ICAD Upstarts program! I’m delighted. For those of you who don’t know
ICAD is the Institute of Creative Advertising & Design and fosters, promotes and rewards creative excellence in Irish Advertising & Design. Every year they run the ICAD Upstarts Programme for people starting out in the industry. There are 6 workshops, over 6 weeks, each one in a different agency around Dublin. A new brief is given every week so that by the end each upstart will have a portfolio of work.

To get on the programme I had to answer an advertising brief and hope that my idea (below) was good enough to get through. And it was!! Can’t wait to get started……